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18th Swiss Global Change Day - Meeting Report and Conference Documents
On 11 April 2017, the Swiss global change science community met for the 18th time on the annual Swiss Global Change Day. About 220 participants attended the event and 70 posters were exhibited. Distinguished researchers presented scientific highlights and the program provided enough time for discussions and networking. This went hand in hand with the key messages: Be a connector and a communicator. Also, ProClim followed that principles: For the first time there was a live reporting about the event on the Twitter channel of ProClim.
18th Swiss Global Change Day
The Swiss Global Change Day is an event where the global change and Future Earth community can meet and discuss ongoing problems in a transdisciplinary manner. The aim is to present recent highlights in global environmental change research as well as to point out challenges for future research. Besides, there is an opportunity for people from governmental institutions and the private sector to ask questions and explain their needs and views on the topics presented.
Immagine: Hannah Ambühl ProClim