Per una scienza solida
La SCNAT adotta iniziative per un sistema scientifico svizzero efficiente e al servizio della società. Rafforza la condivisione tra i soggetti della comunità scientifica. Accresce la consapevolezza per la responsabilità morale della scienza e redige linee guida per i processi scientifici e il loro utilizzo.
Aree in cui si impegna la SCNAT
Accademia svizzera di scienze naturali (SCNAT)
Casa delle Accademie
Casella postale
3001 Berna
Call for proposals: Prix de Quervain 2024 for polar research
The Prix de Quervain 2024 will be awarded for work on topics relating to the two polar regions. Eligible to participate are young researchers with a master's or doctoral degree from the last 24 months or their master's, dissertation or postdoctoral work at a research institution in Switzerland. The evaluation will assess the scientific significance, creativity/originality, implementation in science and practice, and presentation, taking into account the different levels and academic ages of the applicants.
Lighthouse Programmes in Sustainability Research and Innovation
This report argues that one of the most effective ways to support sustainable development through research and innovation is to establish large, integrated funding programmes, referred to here as lighthouse programmes. As well as producing impact-oriented knowledge on key sustainability challenges, these programmes would bring many other societal, scientific, and institutional benefits. These include: building closer relationships between science, society, and policy, and encouraging changes in the academic system itself, for example by increasing its capacity for inter- and transdisciplinary research.
Prix de Quervain 2023: 37,000 ice cliffs and their influence on glacier melt in the Himalayas
More than ever before – Marin Kneib has employed the latest satellite technology and camera systems to measure over 37,000 ice cliffs. The researcher will be awarded the Prix de Quervain 2023 by the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences for an extremely comprehensive doctoral dissertation at the ETH Zurich and the Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL.
Immagine: Marin Kneib"Appeals for decolonising North-South collaboration in research"
Our current global challenges require global collaboration. The colonial practices for North-South collaboration in research create dependence and invisibility, undermining the chances of finding solutions to these challenges. To combat this, collaboration and the development of knowledge through such research must be decolonised. I therefore make five proposals on how to end this situation.
Immagine: zvg“Embracing gender diversity is good for science”
The expectation that women shall be and act like their male colleagues, especially when it comes to meet excellence criteria, is causing many women to leave science after their PhD or Postdoc. To plug this ‘leaky pipeline’ there is the need for a broader range of accepted career paths, behaviors and work models.
Immagine: zvgImmagine: Akademien der Wissenschaften Schweiz
Giovane Accademia Svizzera
La Giovane Accademia Svizzera offre alle nuove generazioni l’opportunità di realizzare progetti interdisciplinari e transdisciplinari. Grazie all’impegno e ai contributi di questa Accademia, i membri cercano di individuare tempestivamente le sfide sociali, offrono soluzioni per tali sfide e promuovono il dialogo tra la scienza e la società. La Giovane Accademia Svizzera è stata avviata dall’Accademia Svizzera di Scienze Naturali di cui fa parte.