CALL: scientific expertise for UN policy making (deadline: 29.02.2024)
This call of the International Science Council (ISC) is addressed to scientists who are interested in shaping UN policy making, e.g. as contributors to statements on behalf of the international scientific community, to virtual and in-person panels for policy-making audiences or as speakers in high-level debates.
A Model for Implementing Mission Science for Sustainability
This report proposes a model to set priorities for mission science for sustainability. Based on a co-design process, it details the core principles and institutional, governance and funding arrangements needed to accelerate our progress on the path towards sustainability.
Flipping the Science Model
This report describes and advocates for mission science for sustainability as an urgently needed new form of science for the SDGs. It also serves as a call, inviting all stakeholders, both familiar and unconventional, to unite with the science community in this endeavour of collectively catalyzing science’s power to drive transformative action towards a more sustainable world for all.