Open Data
In recent years a number of changes in scientific research took place, under the umbrella of the ‘open science’ label. Open access has essentially been introduced in natural sciences. Many researchers followed the path of open source by making their simulation codes publicly available. Presently the introduction of open data (and open data management plans) are on the horizon (or already introduced) by many European Funding Agencies. But the implementation of open data poses many challenges.
«Workshop «Open Data and Data Management – Issues and Challenges»
On 29 October 2018 more than 120 scientists discussed issues with open data and data management, organized by the Platform MAP of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. Below you find the minutes, the presentation and the flyer of the event.
Workshop «Open Data and Data Management – Issues and Challenges»
- Minutes of the Workshop on Open Data and Data Management 2018
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Discussions in the working groups
- Open Data Workshop 2018: A retrospective view by Friedrich Thielemann
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 1 on the EU policies by Jean-Claude Burgelman and Christophe Rossel
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 2 on the SNSF views by Matthias Egger
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 3 experience at PSI by Joël Mesot
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 4 experience in Biology by Florian Altermatt
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 5 experience in Chemistry by Marcel Mayor
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 6 experience in CERN by Robert Jones
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 7 experience in Space Sciences by Nicolas Thomas
- Open Data Workshop 2018: Talk 8 experience in Data Management by Ana Sesartic Petrus
- Flyer Open Data and Data Management
Swiss Academy of Sciences (SCNAT)
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3001 Bern