TRAINING (2.4.1)

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Image: Sebastian,

Swiss Quantum Call 2024 launched

The Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) has just launched the Swiss Quantum Call 2024. The call is based on the "strategic considerations" of the Swiss Quantum Commission (SQC) and is part of the Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI).

Prototyp eines Quantenspeichers, dem zentralen Element für Quanten-Repeater.
Image: Dr Mikael Afzelius, University of Geneva

The call aims to strengthen quantum research in Switzerland. The budget is 16 million Swiss francs, 10 million from the transitional measures for the Horizon package and 6 million from the SQI, both financed by the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation. You can find out more about the call on the SNSF website.

The Swiss Quantum Initiative (SQI) strengthens Switzerland's leading position in quantum research, technology and application. The SQI is led and coordinated by the Swiss Quantum Commission of the Swiss Academy of Sciences. The Commission defines frameworks for SNSF calls, coordinates the establishment of platforms for the transfer of knowledge and technology, co-develops attractive curricula and strengthens international partnerships. The SQI is a mandate of the Swiss Confederation.



Dr. Andreas Masuhr
Swiss Quantum Commission (SQC)
House of Academies
PO Box
3001 Bern