TRAINING (2.4.1)

SCNAT and its network are committed to a sustainable science and society. They support policy-making, administration and business with expert knowledge and actively participate in public discourse. They strengthen the exchange across scientific disciplines and promote early career academics.

Image: Sebastian,


SCNAT awards prizes for the promotion of early career scientists and for the successful communication of scientific content.

Awards by SCNAT

Polar research
Image: pxhere

Prix de Quervain

Prix de Quervain for Polar and High Altitude Research is attributed to young scientists for outstanding achievements in their Master or PhD thesis or other research projects. The Prix de Quervain is announced annually, and funded by the Swiss Committee on Polar and High Altitude Research (SKPH), the Commission for the for Research Station on Jungfraujoch (SKJF) and the Swiss Foundation for Alpine Research.

Awards by member organisations

«Fleurs d’abeilles», Beispiel einer Freilichtausstellung des Botanischen Gartens Neuenburg über die hochspezialisierten Verbindungen zwischen Wildbienen und der helvetischen Flora.

Prix Museum 2023 geht an den Botanischen Garten Neuenburg

Die Akademie der Naturwissenschaften Schweiz (SCNAT) verleiht dem Botanischen Garten Neuenburg den Prix Museum 2023. Damit zeichnet sie die qualitativ hochstehende langjährige Arbeit der Institution aus. Ausstellungen und Forschung sind

Image: Blaise Mulhauser, Jardin botanique de Neuchâtel
Prix Schläfli 2023: Joël Bloch, Ariadni Afroditi Georgatou, Simone Bavera, Michelle Frei

Prix Schläfli 2023 award for the four best dissertations in natural sciences

Simone Bavera (Astronomy), Joël Bloch (Biology), Michelle Frei (Chemistry) and Ariadni Afroditi Georgatou (Geosciences) were honoured with the Prix Schläfli 2023 for findings made in the context of their dissertations.

Image: SCNAT