Exkursion zur archäologischen Flözerbändli-Fundstelle im Bisistal (Muotathal, SZ)
12'000 Jahre Flötzerbändli-Land
Prof. Dr. Jean Nicolas Haas (Universität Innsbruck)
mit Beiträgen von:
PD Dr. Urs Leuzinger
Walter Imhof
On August 8, 2021, about fifteen CH-QUAT members visited the one of the most famous prehistorical sites in the Muotathal Alps (Ct. Schwyz, Switzerland), the Flözerbändeli rock shelter, studied in archaeological and palaeoecological terms thanks to funding by the Staatsarchiv Schwyz. Epi-Palaeolithic (Azilien) portable art was found at Flözerbändli in form of a decorated piece of red deer antler (Cervus elaphus) with rows of bored pit marks, and presented by the chief archaeologist of the excavation PD Dr. Urs Leuzinger. This unique and decorated antler piece which was radiocarbon dated to 10273 ± 245 BC (cal. 2σ, ETH-109223), and belongs therefore to the very rare finds from the Younger Dryas chronozone (Leuzinger et al. 2022). The Flözerbändli rock shelter is of great significance, as it also yielded Mesolithic sediments containing projectile points, animal bones, charcoal and well preserved charred fruits and seeds, such as from yew (Taxus baccata), St. John’s wort (Hypericum cf. perforatum; potentially used for medical purposes), as well as staple food remains as hazelnut shells (Corylus avellana).
Leuzinger, Urs; Affolter, Jehanne; Beck, Claudia; Benguerel, Simone; Cornelissen, Marcel; Dietre, Benjamin; Gelabert, Pere; Gubler, Regula; Haas, Jean Nicolas; Hajdas, Irka; Imhof, Walter; Jagher, Reto; Jeanrichard, Roger; Jensen, Theis Z.T.; Kleyhons, Ferdinand; Kofler, Werner; Leuzinger, Caroline; Leuzinger-Piccand, Catherine; Müller, Werner; Oberhuber, Walter; Posch, Caroline; Pümpin, Christine; Schoch, Werner H.; Stadler, Sarah; Stanger, Hannah; Staub, Pascal; Taurozzi, Alberto J.; Taylor, Timothy; Wilkin, Shevan (2022): THE FLÖZERBÄNDLI: A LATE PALAEOLITHIC / EARLY MESOLITHIC SITE IN THE MUOTA VALLEY (CANTON SCHWYZ / CH). Archäologisches Korrespondenzblatt 52/4: 461-488.